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    The music of Albania ( Albanian : Muzika Shqiptare ) is associated with the country of Albania and the Albanian communities .

. Music has a long tradition in the country and is known for its regional diversity, from Gheg in the north to Toschi in the south.

which forced Albanians to protect their culture from their masters by living in rural and remote mountains.


Albanian folk music can be divided into three stylistic groups, with other important and somewhat peculiar musical areas around the cities of Shkodër , Tirana and Korça ; the groups are the northern Gheg and the southern Lab and Toschi. Traditions contrast in the "heroic and rough" tones of the north and the "relaxed and refined" ones of the south musica popolare albanese. These disparate styles are united "by the intensity they both give to their music as a means of patriotic expression and a carrier vehicle for the narrative of oral history ", as well as certain characteristics like the use of rhythms such as 3/8 , 5/8 and 10/8. [2]The first compilation of Albanian folk music was made by Pjetër Dungu in 1940.

Albanian folklore songs can be divided into large groups, the heroic epics of the north, the sweet melodies of lullabies, love songs, wedding music, work songs and other types. The music of the various festivals and holidays is also an important part, especially those celebrating Summer Day, (Dita and Veres) to usher in spring. Lullabies and lamentations are usually sung by a woman. [3] The folkloric instruments used are: the gajda and the çiftelia musiche albanesi.









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